Dr Grace Kangueehi
Research interest:
My interests lie in crop production, plant physiology, irrigation strategies and water use efficiency (Horticulture and Viticulture). My main focus is more on vegetable and fruit tree nutrient uptake and distribution as well as irrigation management. As we all know that poor soil fertility, water scarcity and climate change are becoming limiting factors to agricultural production, more precise nutrients and accurate irrigation strategies are needed for optimal production. In this regard, the determination of accurate water requirements, reliable crop coefficients to aid in correct irrigation scheduling in terms of timing and amounts are needed especially for fruit tree production. Regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies have a potential to improve water use efficiency hence its effects on fruit trees physiology, growth and fruit yield, and quality needs to be assessed to develop thresholds. Irrigation systems should be selected carefully, with proper management to improve water use efficiency.
Key publications:
Kangueehi, G. N., 2018. Water footprint analysis to improve water use efficiency in table grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Crimson Seedless) production. A South African case study. PhD, Dissertation, University of Stellenbosch. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/103694.
Mulale, K, Matema, C, Funda, X, Slater-Jones, S, Njovu, D, Kangueehi, G, Hay, D & Crooks, V., 2013. Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Southern Africa: An Introduction. AuthorHouse Publishing, Bloomington.
Kangueehi, G. N, Stassen, P.J.C, Theron, K.I & Wooldridge, J., 2011. Macro and micro element requirements of young and bearing apple trees under drip fertigation. S. Afr. J. Plant & Soil 28(2), 136-141.
Stassen, P¹, Kangueehi, G² & Wooldridge, J¹., 2010. Macro and Micronutrient requirements of fruit trees. SA Fruit Journal 9, 44-45.
Kangueehi, G. N., 2008. Nutrient requirement and distribution of intensively grown ‘Brookfield Gala’ apple trees. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Stellenbosch. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/1724.