Dr Thinah Moyo
Research interest
Dr Moyo is an Agricultural Economist, with expertise in statistical packages for social scientists. My career interests include collection, analysis and dissemination of empirical evidence on smallholder farmer development, rural livelihoods, farmer market participation aimed at improving the quality of life of smallholder resource-poor farm families. I have research interests in Livelihoods, Poverty alleviation, Smallholder farmer development, Smallholder farmer market participation, Land issues and Comparative research particularly in the SADC and sub-Saharan Africa. Previously, I participated in a number of agriculture and rural development projects in a few SADC countries. In my career life, I have worked both individually and as part of research teams.
Key publications
• Moyo T, and Machethe CL. (under review). Smallholder irrigation and rural livelihoods in Limpopo Province of South Africa: What is the contribution to household food security and income? Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics.
• L Denison J, Dube SV, Masiya TC, Moyo T, Murata C, Mpyana J, Van Averbeke LL, and Van Averbeke W. 2016. Smallholder irrigation entrepreneurial development pathways and livelihoods in two districts in Limpopo Province. WRC Report No. 2179/9/16. Gezina: Water Research Commission.
• Moyo T and Machethe CL. 2016. The Relationship between Smallholder Irrigation and Household Food Availability and Dietary Diversity in Greater Tzaneen Municipality of Limpopo Province, South Africa. Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 9(4):165-178.
• Machethe CL, Naledzani AT and Moyo T. 2014. An assessment of the impact of the Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP) on the livelihoods of the rural poor in the nine provinces of South Africa. (Research report submitted to the Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation)
• Vitoria B, Mudimu G and Moyo T. 2012. Status of Agricultural and Rural Finance in Zimbabwe. Online: http://www.finmark.org.za/wp-content/uploads/pubs/Rep_Status_of_RAFin_Zi...
• Kenewendo B, Sigwele H, Tlali B and Moyo T. 2012. Status of Agricultural and Rural Finance in Botswana. Online: http://www.finmark.org.za/wp-content/uploads/pubs/Rep_statusofARfin_BOT.pdf
• Machethe CL, Moyo T, Mahlati V, Vink N and Coetzee G. 2011. The Status of Agricultural and Rural Finance in Southern Africa. Centre for Inclusive Banking in Africa for FinMark Trust. Online: http://web.up.ac.za/sitefiles/file/1/3841/2011%20FMT%20Rural%20Finance%2...
• Homann S, van Rooyen A, Moyo T and Nengomasha Z. 2007. Goat Production and marketing: Baseline information for semi-arid Zimbabwe. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. 84pp.
• Alumira JD, Bantilan MCS, and Sihoma-Moyo T. 2007. Evolution of Social Science Research at ICRISAT, and a Case Study in Zimbabwe. SAT e-journal, Volume 3, Issue 1. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. 20pp.
• Alumira JD and Sihoma-Moyo T. 2006. How should research and development interventions that offer direct gains to orphaned and vulnerable children be defined? Lessons for action research. African Journal of HIV and AIDS research.
• Homann S, van Rooyen A, Moyo T and Nengomasha Z. 2006. Strengthening livestock market flows and feeding practices for improved livelihoods in southern Zimbabwe. Conference paper, Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development. Deutscher Tropentag, Bonn, October 11-13, 2006. Online: http://www.tropentag.de/2006/abstracts/full/408.pdf
• Homann S, van Rooyen A, Moyo T and Nengomasha Z. 2006. Strengthening livestock market flows and feeding practices for improved livelihoods in southern Zimbabwe. Poster presented at Deutscher Tropentag 2006 Bonn, October 11-13, 2006, Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development. Online: www.tropentag.de. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.
• Alumira JD, Bantilan MCS, and Sihoma-Moyo T. 2005. HIV/AIDS Impact Mitigation: Convergence of Short-term Humanitarian and Longer-term Development Interventions in Implementing Multisectoral Strategies. Challenges for Research. Conference Paper.
• Alumira JD and Sihoma-Moyo T (eds.). 2005. HIV/AIDS at the workplace: an Awareness drama presented to ICRISAT and NARS staff at ICRISAT-Zimbabwe. PO Box 776, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.
• Alumira JD, Bantilan MCS, and Sihoma-Moyo T. (eds.) 2005. Junior Farmer Field Schools in Zimbabwe. Proceedings of a Review and Planning Workshop, 16-17 Nov 2004, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. 36pp.