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Mr Brian Mhango


Phone : +264 61 207 2859
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Office Location: Office Block, Office Number 243


Research interests:

Based on professional   and academic experience, my expertise and interests are in a host of natural resources management sciences in particular in the following applied disciplines: Soils and Agronomy; Land Capability Mapping and Classification for Rain-fed Agriculture; Soil Survey and Land Evaluation; Integrated Spatial Planning; Regional and Rural Development Planning; Land/ Spatial / Geographical Information Systems; and Remote Sensing and Image Analysis.

I am currently engaged with a study of climate change dynamics in Namibia, in particular, the rainfall patterns across four conceptual rainfall gradients to predict climate scenarios using statistical downscaling models.


Key Publications:

Mhango, B.J., Mapaure, I., and Mulenga, D. (2011). (eds). Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change, RAEIN-Africa Secretariat, ISBN: 978-99945-72-32-8.

Mhango, B.J. (2011). Soil Information for Adaptation to Climate Change in Agricultural Land Use Systems. In:  Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change, p. 190-200.

Mhango, B.J. (2003).  Designing Databases for Land Cover and Land Use Change (LCLUC) Inventory. Paper presented at the Integrated Land Use Change Analysis in Southern Africa: Process Modeling, Impacts and Implications for Sustainable Development. 23-26 May 2003, Lilongwe, Malawi.

Mhango, B.J., (2003). Fire Monitoring using the Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) a Development and Policy Tool for NEPAD in Southern Africa. Paper presented at the Africa GIS 2003, Dakar, Senegal, 4-8 October 2003.

Mhango, B.J. (2001). A Multilingual Geographical Information System (GIS): for Dissemination of Agriculture Information: A Framework for Sub-Saharan Africa. Paper presented at the 5 th. AfricaGIS Conference and Exhibition, 5-9 November 2001, Nairobi, Kenya.

Mhango, B.J. (2000). Where to in the New Millennium? GIS Trends in Africa. GIM International Worldwide Journal of Geomatics, January 2000, No.1 Vol. 14.

B. J.  Mhango and Kwesiga, F. (1995).  Potential of Sesbania sesban at Enhancing Productivity of Low Base Status Soils in Eastern Zambia. Paper Presented at the 6th. Annual Scientific Conference of SADC- Land and Water Management Research Programme, 16-20 October 1995, Lusaka, Zambia.

Mhango, B. J. (1994). Landforms, Geology and Soils: Map Generalization and Aggregation Concepts

Wageningen Agricultural University. – Occasional paper.

Mhango, B.J. (1994). Modelling Topologic Relationships in Vector Maps and Handling Semantics of Fuzzy Spatial Objects, Wageningen Agricultural University. – Occasional paper.

Mhango, B.J. (1994). Application of Knowledge-Based Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Soil Science. Wageningen Agricultural University. - Occasional paper.

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