Mr Teofilus Shiimi
Teofilus Shiimi completed his BSc. Agricultural Economics with the University of Namibia, 2005. 2006 -2007 Mr Shiimi was employed as a Teacher in the Ministry of Education based at Engedjo Senior Secondary School in Ohangwena Region. In 2008 he left the Teaching Profession and registered and completed his BSc. Hon. Degree in Agricultural Economics at the University of Free State in South Africa. In 2009, he registered as completed his MSc. Agricultural Economics at the same University.
Teofilus Shiimi joined the Polytechnic of Namibia, Department of Agriculture in 2010 as a Lecturer of Agricultural Economics courses. Mr Shiimi is responsible with the following courses: Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness Management, Strategic Agribusiness Management, Policies and Trade Analysis.
Apart from Lecturing Mr Shiimi is involved in various research work as well as community engagement projects specifically in training of resettled farmers in marketing of their farming products.