The Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Radiation Science and Technology is a postgraduate specialisation qualification that aims at
consolidating and deepening the knowledge and expertise in the applied radiation science and technology disciplines, and to de‐
velop student’s capacity to conduct supervised research of an applied nature. The programme is purposefully designed to enable
students to evaluate and apply theoretical and practical aspects of radiation science and technology in general, in order to serve
the current and future needs of the public and private sectors, like the various ministries, institutes and the mining and mineral
processing industries.
The Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Radiation Science and Technology is intended for students with knowledge and understand‐
ing on nuclear sciences, the principals involved in the interaction of the different kinds of matter. This programme will also focus
on and cover commercial applications, of nuclear techniques in the fields of energy, agriculture and water resource management,
biology and medicine, environmental and nuclear waste minimisation and nuclear security.
The proposed programme is fully compliant with requirements of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and the NUST
Curriculum Framework.
Admission Requirements
Candidates will be considered for admission to the Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Radiation Science and Technology programme if they have a Bachelor of Science degree which incorporates physics or chemistry as a major subject. It is strongly recommended that chemistry or physics as a minor subject in the above mentioned Bachelor of Science degree should be at a second year level (NQF Level 6). An equivalent qualification at NQF Level 7 which incorporates one or more of the following disciplines: biology, bio‐ chemistry, geology and mathematics, will be evaluated on an individual basis at the discretion of the department/ Postgraduate Committee for suitability of admission.