Research Interests
Ring and Module Theory, specifically reduced modules, v-modules and hereditary pretorsion classes.
1. Commutativity in the lattice of topologizing filters of a ring - localization and congruences.
Publication type: Journal article
Year of publication: 2019
Authors: Nega Arega and John van den Berg
URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10474-019-00919-4
2. Commutativity in the lattice of topologizing of a commutative semiartinian rings.
Publication type: Journal article
Year of publication: 2019 Authors: Nega Arega and John van den Berg
URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/00927872.2019.1623237
3. Two -sided residuation on the set of right topologizing filters on a ring.
Publication type: Journal article
Year of publication: 2017
Authors: Nega Arega and John van den Berg
URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/00927872.2016.1172624
Nega Arega Chere, V-modules, SSI-modules and Idempotent of hereditary pretension classes in sigma[M], Bull. Int. Math. Inst. 12(3) (2022), 445-452
Links: Bulletin of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute, ISSN (p) 2303-4874