Research interest
Dr Kamwi is a forest scientist and specializes in socio-ecological systems in forests; Geographical Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Forest Inventory. My research group works on a range of projects in remote regions of Southern Africa and other forest ecosystem in Africa including the miombo dry forest and woodlands of southern Africa. The research aims to understand the link between people and natural resource governance, the use of resources, and interventions that will successfully promote sustainable forest management. This includes a focus on the drivers of change in land cover and the modelling of carbon dynamics in natural woodland systems and evaluation of the models used for future engagement in forestlands under claim.
Key publications:
Kamwi, J. M., Chirwa, P. W. C., Manda, S. O. M., Graz, F. P. & Kätsch, C. (2015). Livelihoods, land use and land cover change in the Zambezi Region, Namibia. Population and Environment, 36: 1–24.
Kamwi, J. M and Kätsch, C. (2009). Using high-resolution satellite imagery and double sampling as a cost-effective means of collecting forest inventory data – the case of Hans Kanyinga Community Forest, Namibia. Southern Forests, 71(1): 49–58.
Kamwi, J. M., Kätsch, C., Graz, F. P., Chirwa, P. W. C and Manda, S. O. M. (2016). Trends in land use and land cover change in the protected and communal areas of the Zambezi Region, Namibia. Environ Monit Assess, 189(5):242. doi: 10.1007/s10661-017-5934-2.
Kamwi, J. M., Chirwa, P. W. C., Graz, F. P., Mosimane, A. W and Manda S.O. (2016). Livelihoods and skills: evidence and policy implications in the Zambezi Region, Namibia. Afr. J. Food Agric. Nutr. Dev. 2018; 18(1): 13074-13094 DOI: 10.18697/ajfand.81.16640
Taapopi, M., Kamwi, J. M. and Siyambango, N. (2018). Perception of Farmers on Conservation Agriculture for Climate Change Adaptation in Namibia. Environment and Natural Resources Research; Vol. 8, No. 3; 2018
Kamwi, J. (2008). Forest Inventory Manual for Community Forestry in Namibia (2008), Directorate of Forestry. 6 Kamwi, J., Angombe, S. and Laamanen, R. (2001). Forest inventory report for Onankali Eucalyptus camaldulensis plantation, Directorate of Forestry, Namibia.
Kamwi, J. and Laamanen, R. (2001). Woody resource inventory report of Sikanjabuka community forest, Directorate of Forestry, Namibia.
Kamwi, J. (2002). Woody resource inventory report of Hans Kanyinga community forest, Directorate of Forestry, Namibia.
Kamwi, J. (2003). Woody resource inventory report for Kwando community forest, Directorate of Forestry, Namibia.