Research interest:
My primary research interest is in solid waste management (SWM), focusing on recycling and development of strategies and plans geared towards ensuring integrated solid waste management (ISWM) in local authorities. Specifically, this would include assessment of baseline situation of SWM, which includes: identification of waste streams within local authorities (sources, quantities and compositions of waste); quantification of recyclables and their potential value; identification of gaps in current practices of SWM and mapping of disposal sites and understanding their potential environmental impacts. I am also very much fond of working with informal waste pickers (IWPs) “also known as scavengers”. My interest is very much focused on understanding the operations/ activities of IWPs and how these contribute to ISWM. Moreover, my interest also lie in finding ways on how to create formal platform/s between local authorities and IWPs and the potential to integrate the IWPs into the formal SWM system.
For the past 13 years, I have also worked a lot on water and sanitation related research projects. My interest in this sector include understanding of socio-economic aspects that influence sustainable water and sanitation options in both rural and urban areas, establishment of basin management committees (BMCs), as well as review and development of policies, legislation and plans on integrated water resources management (IWRM) including sustainable sanitation.
Lastly, community-based natural resources management (CBNRM) is another focal area of my research interests. Especially the aspects of benefit sharing/distribution and impacts thereof on the socio-economic status of the local communities.
Key publications:
Jokisch, A., Krug von Nidda, A., Mazambani-Ntesa, C., Kluge, T., Brenda, M., & Urban, W. (2015). CuveWaters – Looking at ways to make the most of a variable and scarce resource. Roan News, Special Edition on Water, Namibian Environment and Wildlife Society, 37-40.
Strohbach, B.J., Kabajani, M.W., Ntesa, C., Ndjamba, J., Shekunyenge, A., Amutenya, J.U., 2015a. Prosopis encroachment along the Fish River at Gibeon, Namibia. II. Harvestable wood biomass. Dinteria 35, 75–87.
Strohbach, B.J., Ntesa, C., Kabajani, M.W., Shidolo, E.K., Dalton, C., 2015b. Prosopis encroachment along the Fish River at Gibeon, Namibia. I. Habitat preferences, population densities and the effect on biodiversity. Dinteria 35, 53–74.
Munyayi, R. and Ntesa, C. and Strohbach, B. 2015. Understanding the Population Dynamics of Prosopis and Other Woody Species in Gibeon and the Community Perceptions of Benefits and Management Options, 15th WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA conference proceedings, October, 2014
Ntesa, C., Hauptfleisch, M., 2014. Turning organic waste into a socio-economic resource, in: “IAIA14 Conference Proceedings” Impact Assessment for Social and Economic Development. Presented at the International Association for Impact Assessment, Vin Del Mar, Chile.
Ntesa, C., Kabajani, M., Strohbach, B., 2014. Baseline assessment of Prosopis in Gibeon, Orange-Fish River Basin. Polytechnic of Namibia, Windhoek
Deffner, J., Mazambani, C. 2010. Participatory empirical research on water and sanitation demand in central northern Namibia: A method for technology development with a user perspective. CuveWaters Papers, No. 7.
Biggs, D., Heyns, P., Klintenberg, P., Mazambani, C., Nantanga, K., Seely, M. 2007. Bridging perspectives on IWRM in the Cuvelai Basin. CuveWaters project.
Deffner, J., Klintenberg, P., Mazambani, C., Nantanga, K. 2007. Selected results from socio-ecological participation situation assessments in two sites in Central Northern Namibia. CuveWaters Papers No.3.
Klintenberg, P., Mazambani, C., Nantanga, K. 2007. Integrated Water Resources Management in the Namibian part of the Cuvelai Basin, Central Northern Namibia. CuveWaters Papers No.2.
Klintenberg, P., Mazambani, C., Nantanga, K., Ndombo, B. 2007. Ecological sanitation in the Cuvelai: sanitation issues, aspects and user preferences and behaviours. CuveWaters Papers.
Kruger, B., Mazambani, C., Nantanga, K. 2007. Small scale irrigation and aquaculture in Central Northern Namibia. CuveWaters Papers.
Mazambani, C., and Schönbrodt, S. 2006, Water supply: a gift from God or does it come with a cost? Stockholm International Water Institute, Stockholm, 150 – 151