Research Interests:
Stochastic Modeling of Queuing Systems and their applications in Health sector, Banking Sector, Computer-communication, Supply chain management, online shopping, Order-picking systems, and Blockchain systems.
Proposed Research Projects:
- Study of non-Markovian queuing systems with customers’ impatience and retention
- Transient numerical solutions of queuing systems with customers’ impatience and server breakdowns
- Performance analysis of blockchain systems using queuing theory
- Performance analysis of cloud computing systems using queuing models
- Healthcare capacity planning using queuing theory
Godlove Suilla Kuaban, Rakesh Kumar, Bhavneet Singh Soodan and Piotr Czekalski, A multi-server queuing model with balking and correlated reneging with application in health care management. IEEE Access, 8, (2020) 169623-169639. [SCIE, I.F.=3.367].
Bhavneet Singh Soodan, and Rakesh Kumar, A single server queuing system with correlated reneging and feedback of served customers. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods. (2020) https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2020.1861300 [SCIE I.F. = 0.893].
Rakesh Kumar, Sapana Sharma and S.I. Ammar, Transient and steady-state analysis of a queuing system having customers’ impatience with threshold, RAIRO Operations Research, Vol. 53, No. 5 (2019), 1861-1876. [SCIE, I.F.= 1.393].
Rakesh Kumar and Sapana Sharma, Transient analysis of a Markovian queuing model with multiple-heterogeneous servers’ and customers’ impatience, Opsearch, Vol. 58, 540-556 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s12597-020-00495-0 Pages 1-17. [SCOPUS, ESCI].
Rakesh Kumar, Bhavneet Singh Soodan and Sapana Sharma, Modelling health care queue management system facing patients’ impatience using queuing theory, Reliability: Theory and Applications (2021), Vol. 16, No. 1, 161-165. [SCOPUS].