Prof Hilma Amwele
Research interest
Prof Amwele is an Agricultural scientist and specializes in aquatic toxicology and animal production. My research group works on a range of projects water quality, aquatic toxicology, nutrition, herbal medicinal plant, and environmental pollution. The research aims to understand how pollutants enter the environment (water), accumulate in plants and animals which then ends up affecting the human health negatively. Other studies focused on acute and chronic hazardous effect of chemical and herbal medicinal plant on animal health. Working on fodder plant identification on Namibian rangeland and understanding their nutritional value. Looking at the potential of propagating fodder crops in hydroponic system and distributing the method in the Namibian communal area. Developing new research on pesticide residue, their accumulation and hazardous effects on aquatic organisms leading to their impact on human health.
Key publications:
Kgabi, N.A., Atekwana,E., Ithindi, J., Uugwanga, U., Knoeller, K., Motsei,L., Mathuthu, M., Kalumbu, G., Amwele, H.R. and Rian Uusizi. (2018). Isotopic composition and elemental concentrations in groundwater in the Kuiseb Basin and the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin, Namibia. Proc. IAHS, 378, 93–98
Amwele,H.R., Papirom, P., Chukanhom,K., Beamish, F.H.W. and Petkam, R. (2017). Tissue Alterations in Oreochromis niloticus Following Chronic Exposure to Metal Complex Dark Green Azo Acid Dye and Anionic Surfactant Oil. Environment and Natural Resources Journal. 15(1): 41-50.
Amwele, H.R., Motsei Lebogang, Kalumbu, G., Kgabi N.A., Njinga, R.L. and Tshivhase,V.M. (2017). Investigation of possible human exposure to metals concentration in vegetables. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences. 9(7): 66-72.
Njinga, R.L., Amwele, H.R., Kalumbu, G.P., Tshivhase, V., Motsei, L. and Kgabi, N.A. (2017). Toxicological evaluation of chicken-livers ingested around Mafikeng metropolitan city, South Africa. Journal of Animal &Plant Sciences. 34 (1): 5376-5389.
Amwele, H.R., Ithindi, J.T., Kalumbu, G.P., Kgabi, N.A., Mathuthu, M., Motsei, L. and Tshivhase, V. (2016). Assessment of Toxic Metals in Borehole Water: A Case of the Kuiseb Basin, Namibia. European Journal of Scientific Research. 141 (2): 108-115.
Amwele, H.R., Papirom, P., Chukanhom, K., Beamish, F.H.W. and Petkam, R. (2015). Acute and Subchronic Toxicity of Metal Complex Azo Acid Dye and Anionic Surfactant Oil on Fish Oreochromis niloticus. Journal of Environmental Biology. 36: 199-205.
Amwele, H.R., Papirom, P., Chukanhom, K., Beamish, F.H.W. and Petkam, R. (2013). Acute Toxicity of Textile Metal Complex Dark Green Azo Acid Dye (53) and Anionic Surfactant Oil on Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus and Bioconcentration of Total Chromium and Copper in Tissues. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development. 4-1: 51-56.
Amwele, H.R., Tylor, G., Day, D. and Vermeulen, W. (2004). The effect of ozone on the production of broiler production, Masters thesis, NMMU.